Wednesday 20 October 2010

Drop Dead fashion

This is fashion shoot for a clothing brand call drop dead these images are use to promote there clothing by using painted up wall in a studio to create crazy and abstract backgrounds. using models that look like they should be wearing the clothes and stereotypical people who would wear the clothes.  

Most of the clothing made and designed by drop dead are very evil and death like this t-shirt above or very bright and abstract like the image on the right.

Expressions on people face are very plain either straight faced or slightly smiling this gives the emotion and make you concentrate on the clothes they are advertising and not on the model them selves.

Most of these fashion shot from drop dead are mainly body shots usually waist upwards i would be different if it was make up or hats it would be a close up to the face.

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    You need to add more blogs about photographers and their images, look at fashion and portrait photographers, and not just ones in the music industry, as the skills are the same across all of these areas.
    Ask and we can give you a list of names to look at.

